Horaires d’ouverture : du lundi au vendredi, de 8h30 à 18h30.
Dernière modification : 26 août 2010
Colloque International pluridisciplinaire
« Sciences, clinique et psychotropes : quelles interactions ? »
à Bruxelles, le mardi 12 octobre 2010
Le colloque que co-organise la Free Clinic à Bruxelles sera précédé à Amsterdam
les 7 et 8 octobre 2010 par un symposium organisé par Gezonde Scepsis (branche hollandaise de Healthy Skepticism)
subsidié par Le Ministère de la santé Hollandais. Ces différentes journées de travail à Bruxelles et à Amsterdam portent sur des sujets complémentaires et donneront un aperçu très complet des débats qui traversent actuellement le champ de la santé. (voir programme)
The international conference : ’Selling Sickness - Influence on influence’ will be held at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam on October 7-8, 2010. The host is Healthy Skepticism (Netherlands) assisted by the Dutch Institute for Rational Use of Medicine and Healthy Skepticism (International). The sponsors are the Dutch Ministry of Health and the Dutch Health Care Inspectorate. Collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO) is in process. The conference is designed for everyone with an interest in pharmaceutical information and promotion including : health professionals, policy makers, staff of government health and regulatory departments, inspectors, staff of pharmaceutical, advertising and public relations companies, staff of NGOs and journalists. The conference will focus on describing problems with pharmaceutical promotion, understanding the causes, developing solutions and enabling collaboration. The two days will include many presentations as well as time for networking, panel discussions and poster sessions.
Tel : 02 512 13 14 - info@freeclinic.be